Life Is Changing

Getting ready for the biggest change of our lives had me juggling every emotion known to man...... or pregnant women! (I think there are a few emotions only known to pregnant women that have not been named yet, cause I could think of what to call it!) As Nat and I set up the babies crib I don't think reality was sinking in yet. 
Nat is blowing up tub getting prepared for the day our little one was due to arrive. Call me crazy but we have decided to have our first child at home. All natural. No pain killers. From what I was told and read about, having a water birth helps counteract some of the birthing pains. I can't really say that I felt a difference from the contractions inside the tub as I did outside the tub and I can't say that I would not have taken an epidural if it was available but I can say that I survived. 
As thousands of women before me.
I could stretch out my legs with my back and feet touching each end of the pool. I never actually completed my birth in the tub. Because the tub was slippery and I had the urge to move.. a lot... the midwife suggested a different position out side the tub. She must have known what she was doing because in two more pushes Alexia was in this world! 
Nat is giving all the birthing details to my mom on the phone as he admires his first child. As much as he hates it, I have to brag about my husband. I really don't know how I would have gone through the last few weeks without him. He has worked a full days hours and then comes home and relives me from my duties as a mom. He is even willing to get up in the middle of the night to attend to Alexia's needs. 
This girls proud Daddy couldn't stop taking photo's of his precious angel

Yep! She is going to be a Daddy's girl!
Enjoying the peaceful moments
I have vowed to myself that I would do my best to enjoy every stage Alexia is in and not wish her months and years away. I know she will never be this small again and I want to hold onto every moment because before I know it she will be walking out my front door ready to start her own life. May God grant me the skills to prepare her for that day; and the grace to prepare me for that day!