My little garden & my little lady

Some dear friends, Jarred & Kendra started a huge garden mostly from seeds and since they had an abundance, they generously offered us a few of their seedlings. This is quite exciting for me as I did want to start a small garden this year but struggled to find the time to do any research. You see I have never planted or worked with a garden before so I had'nt the slightest clue when or how to begin. But now I can start my little garden off with a Banana Pepper, Bell Pepper and a Tomato plant.

My mothers day weekend was spent at Lowes with the family picking out flowers and pots for the gardens. When we got home my wonderful husband and darling little girl helped me plant everything.

Alexia just had to have these little flowers. She was so proud when we let her take them to the check out, bring them home and plant them herself!

This is it. My garden. Just the way I like it. I don't want to take on too much at one time for fear that I will botch the entire endeavor. (In the past most plants in my possession have had a very short existence.) I did have some herbs that I stared a few weeks ago but as you can see they are not doing the greatest. Somebody neglected to water them..... ahem. The rosemary plant held up and my cilantro was beginning to wilt but after much watering I see new leaves sprouting tall and proud. Sadly my dill plant has been laying on its bed of soil for a week now; I am pretty sure it's gone for good.

And this is the flower garden. There are a few new ones and two from last year but not everything I planted last year has come up again.... yet, we will see!

DIY Wall Calendar

I think this was my most fun, most easiest, and most functional project I have ever made! I got this idea from Pintrest, of course. Here is how to make your own unique and totally personalized wall calendar.

All I did was grab a photo frame I got at the dollar store for like $4 and some pretty scrap fabric I had on hand. Remember you want to choose a fabric that is light on color, anything dark will be hard to see what you have written on the board.

I first did a test run on the paper that comes with the photo, just flip it around and you have a nice black piece of paper that is exactly the size of your frame. This way you can get a feel for how big you want everything to be and how you want it to look. Once you are happy with your look grab a permanent marker and go to town! 
Hint: It might be best to measure and trace your lines while the glass is in the frame. I didn't do it this way and once it was in the frame it was a little off. Not much but enough to drive me crazy and I started all over again. And just so you know, the permanent marker does come off with windex but not very easily. I had to scrape with my nails and use a lot of elbow grease!

I don't have great handwriting skills so I printed up all my words of the computer, placed it under the glass and traced. Once again make it unique and change the font up a little.

Once you are done wrap the back of the frame with your fabric and secure. No glueing necessary!

And here is my finished project next to the mail organizers I made. I just love it! my counter tops are organized and so is my month! 

On a side note here are some photos of my darling children

learning to skateboard already

saying hello to cousin Zavour

I love that cheesy grin. 

Kaden skateboarding with multiple bodyguards!