DIY Wall Calendar

I think this was my most fun, most easiest, and most functional project I have ever made! I got this idea from Pintrest, of course. Here is how to make your own unique and totally personalized wall calendar.

All I did was grab a photo frame I got at the dollar store for like $4 and some pretty scrap fabric I had on hand. Remember you want to choose a fabric that is light on color, anything dark will be hard to see what you have written on the board.

I first did a test run on the paper that comes with the photo, just flip it around and you have a nice black piece of paper that is exactly the size of your frame. This way you can get a feel for how big you want everything to be and how you want it to look. Once you are happy with your look grab a permanent marker and go to town! 
Hint: It might be best to measure and trace your lines while the glass is in the frame. I didn't do it this way and once it was in the frame it was a little off. Not much but enough to drive me crazy and I started all over again. And just so you know, the permanent marker does come off with windex but not very easily. I had to scrape with my nails and use a lot of elbow grease!

I don't have great handwriting skills so I printed up all my words of the computer, placed it under the glass and traced. Once again make it unique and change the font up a little.

Once you are done wrap the back of the frame with your fabric and secure. No glueing necessary!

And here is my finished project next to the mail organizers I made. I just love it! my counter tops are organized and so is my month! 

On a side note here are some photos of my darling children

learning to skateboard already

saying hello to cousin Zavour

I love that cheesy grin. 

Kaden skateboarding with multiple bodyguards!

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