And then there were three!

Well this would be my third day alone with my three babies and I must say it is going fairly well. Busy to say the least but that is to be expected. I think what is helping me keep my sanity is a phrase I continue to tell myself all day long. " The kids come first." If I don't get to the dishes or the laundry today then, well, that's just the way it has to be. And if I can't call my friends or get on Facebook, oh well. My kids come first. And what comes second?....  a little time out for me! When all the kids are tucked away for their afternoon naps I sit and relax for a few. 

Having three so close in age is not easy. Not in the least. BUT, I love my journey and I would not trade it for anything.

Many people have been asking how Alexia and Kaden are handling their new baby brother. I am pleased to say Dax has been greatly received by his older siblings. Alexia calls him her "baby" and both kids are perpetually concerned with Dax needing his soother. Oh, and they want to kiss and hug him ALL the time.

Our first two weeks with baby Dax we had the privilege of having not one but TWO grandma's visiting us. Nat's mom was here for the first week and my mom for the second. My mom brought some of my old Dr Seuss books and Alexia loved them to death. Literally, she made grandma and I read over and over until we simply didn't have it in us any more. 

Dax getting smothered.

Yes another book, and yes, it is the SAME one.

I don't think grandma got to go anywhere or do anything without a little shadow to follow her. 

I am so grateful to have a mother-in-law and mom who will come help me after my babies are born! Thank you both so very very much!!