Photos at last

While we still don’t have our luggage and still can not present our photos to you but we are lucky enough that there are other missionaries out here with a better knack for photo taking than me. I have borrowed a few shots from Heather who is now heading up the orphan department so you can see that we ARE actually working out here…….. while, at least I can say Nat is working. Unless you call taking photos, playing with kids and walking around the farm work, then I would say my productiveness has been limited. I have accomplished one task of typing out versus from the Showna (the local dialect) bible for Alta’s ladies ministry. She is teaching the local ladies how to read and write in order to raise the moral of the importance of a women in a community… and how much more beneficial, an educated woman!

The first job was installing windows and doors in a house that was for two children on their orphan program. The house was built close to their school so they would not have far to travel. The idea is to build two more houses so that when the children from the orphan program reach grade 5 they will be able to stay in these houses and live with an elderly woman until they are finished school and are able to return home.

Our first house was Mibia and Francisco who instantly recognized Nat and I.

Mibia is removing her cloth window covering and is anxious for her new window!

How many hands does it take?

As you can see there is a young man in the mix who wants to learn a few things!

Nat had many eager helpers just waiting for an order.

We came back the next day to fix one of the widows that was made too small and we noticed that it didn’t take long for this window to be personalized with graffiti!

Like I said, my job was photo shooting!

Nat took some time out to play a little soccer with one of the boys.

Most of the children on the orphan program will be moving from little wood shacks like this one into a nice brick house. The bricks are then covered with plaster for a smooth finished look.


  1. Hey guys! Glad you arrived safe and sound, but so sorry about your luggage! We are here enjoying your house, what a blessing. Can't wait till you get back though so we can hang out. Have an awesome time!

  2. Anonymous3/03/2009

    Hi Salena & NAt,
    It's nice to see picutres of you and I like the Oilers t-shirt Salena. Is that an Oilers logo, it's pretty small. I hope you get your luggage soon so you can post more pictures. Keep up the good work Nat.
    Love you guys
